Indulaser AG
The company
Indulaser AG is a medium-sized Swiss company that has made an excellent name for itself since 2002 as a single-part refiner with its own development department in the field of surface hardening through innovation, precision and maximum process reliability.
Indulaser is clearly committed to Swiss basic values such as quality, punctuality, reliability and precision. This consistent focus on "swissness" is the basis for customer satisfaction and a prosperous future orientation.
Indulaser employs around 30 people and its main location is in 9323 Steinach, Switzerland.
The name
The company Indulaser was founded in 2002 with the clear intention to supplement the inductive hardening technology with laser hardening. At that time, great advantages were expected from laser hardening, but it soon became apparent that with the use of clever processes and the constantly growing know-how in the field of inductor construction, inductive hardening was superior to laser hardening in many aspects - and, above all, significantly more cost-effective.
Although there are some areas in which laser hardening is the method of choice (e.g. complex geometric shapes, grooves and the like), Indulaser's specialisation in induction hardening has proved successful and there is no intention of changing the company name after almost successful years.

Our partners
Industrievertretung Deutschland
WOW Service
Buchschwabacher Str. 4
90574 Roßtal